Ok, so I'm officially three weeks into my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program! It is a LOT of information at a pretty quick pace, but there is a decent amount of review and reinforcement of major concepts, which is helpful.
As I've been going through all my reading and studying, I've been taking notes in order to process and digest (haha...) the content, and to figure out how it all applies to my daily life. It's challenging, often overwhelming and all-consuming, but definitely rewarding. As much as I am a bit frazzled by it all, I'm having fun too!
I feel like I'm just scratching the surface so far - there is SO much to learn, and these topics in nutrition are SO complex, but even just scratching the surface has brought up many "basics" (I put this in quotes, because I knew nothing about them until recently, so don't feel bad if you're hearing this for the first time!) that I feel the need to share, so that these simple health-promoting tips won't be kept secret!
Here's where YOU come in! I would love to know which topics you would like to hear more about! Here are the topics that I've been wanting to share about, and you can help me prioritize:
Proper food preparation/cultured foods:
- soaking & sprouting (grains, nuts, seeds, beans)
- dehydrating (vs. denaturing)
- sourdough
- lacto-fermenting/cultured veggies
- raw vs. pasteurized dairy
- Kombucha
- Balanced diet - aiming for a 40-30-30 macronutrient ratio
- Fats, Proteins, and Carbs: Quality counts!
- Why bother with "pasture-raised", "grass-fed", "organic" foods?
**disclaimer: obviously, I'm just learning about all of this myself, so I am in no way an expert. I have many of my own questions about them, but I will include my questions in my posts too!
If there are any other topics that I think of, I'll try adding them, and if there's anything YOU want to know about that I didn't just list above, please let me know! I will keep sharing as I learn more, too.